
Dora Dui Chen is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Anger Management, Behavioral Issues, Codependency, Depression, Emotional Disturbance, Family Conflict, Life Transitions, Relationship Issues, and Stress. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

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Therapist Overview

( English | 中文 ) Overwhelmed with the fear of not being good enough? Worrying about how to build and maintain relationships? Feeling stuck, even though you’re trying so hard to move forward? Difficulties in life are painful and frustrating. However, these challenging moments can also be the “trailheads” leading to a self-discovery path. The essential goal of my work is to help you discover, access, and trust your inner wisdom and strength. So you will get unstuck, reach personal goals, and continue personal growth, even after the therapy session ends. Safety and connection are the things I value the most in the therapy room. While meeting you where you are, I also aim to add clarity and change to the therapy session. I would like to support you develop a kinder, stronger, and deeper relationship with yourself, so you can invite joy and stability into the other relationships. “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” It takes compassion and courage to truly embrace yourself and make changes. Let me help you make this happen. 您好,我是朵拉陈,很高兴我们在此相遇!我擅长的方向为(1)情绪管理:社交焦虑,焦虑情绪,抑郁情绪,愤怒,拖延症等等,也许一直在困扰着您的生活。我的专长是帮助您辨别和认可情绪的存在,挖掘情绪背后的思维模式;通过改变您的思维和认知模式,来帮助您更好地管理情绪。(2)家庭沟通:作为移民,您与您的家人也许都正在经历着文化适应的过程。不过,也许您也已经发现了,由于年龄和阅历的不同,每个人的文化适应程度、速度和深度都不一样。自然而然地,这些“不一样”就会在家庭中产生一些沟通上的误解和隔膜。 我的专长是帮助家庭扫除这些沟通上的障碍,让您与家人能够更深入地了解彼此,更自如顺畅地表达自己所愿。(3)创伤愈合:未能愈合的心灵伤痛,会在多年之后依然让我们错误地认为自己总是不如他人,不值得被爱,从而在亲密关系、人际交往、工作事业上也频频受挫,恋爱“成瘾”,社交恐惧,自卑,完美主义等等随之而来。我的专长是帮助你鼓起勇气,直面心灵上的伤痕,通过改善您的心理和认知模式,帮助您重新学习如何与他人相处、如何与自己相处的技巧,找回对自己的信念. 我是美国加州执业心理咨询师,拥有美国加州心理咨询师执照,现任美国API Social Work Council联合主席,美国社会工作协会(NASW)会员。 同时,我也是活跃的临床心理学科普人,开设亲密关系,原生家庭关系,抑郁焦虑情绪管理,走出自卑等热门大众心理课程。2018年,我出版了中文著作《走出原生家庭创伤》。 根据困扰的来源和现状,困扰的严重程度,以及相关背景情况,每个人心理咨询的过程都不相同。一般来说,心理咨询为每周1次,某些特殊情况可以是每周2次。到了咨询后期,在与您商讨之后,咨询频率可能会减少至2周1次,1月1次,直到您觉得不需要再接受心理咨询。 咨询疗程的总次数取决于您的具体情况。通常情况下,12次左右,您就能够感受到自己在行为和认知方面的变化,24次以上可以稳定和深化这些变化。如果您对我的服务感兴趣,可以与我联系,我提供20分钟免费的电话问询服务。

Contact Details

Practice Address:

Compassion Counseling 1700 South Amphlett Boulevard Suite 250-I San Mateo, CA 94402


California / LCSW 76926


University of Pennsylvania


(650) 376-8844


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