Adam Lynch is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Career Counseling, Chronic Illness, Chronic Impulsivity, Chronic Relapse, Intellectual Disability, Internet Addiction, Life Coaching, Narcissistic Personality, School Issues, and Spirituality. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
The heart and soul of how I help others is as a counselor who meets clients where they are in life, relationships, struggles, and so on – with the goal of gaining your trust and helping move you through discouraging and challenging circumstances, while sharing in God’s reality for your life. I believe in the value of working through personal problems and issues in the context of stronger relationships. I will help you with this on a personal level, and in the process of restoring health and relationships with whomever you are intending to build this restored relationship with. My education and 10+ years experience have prepared me to work with individuals, couples and families with a breadth of issues – relationship struggles, addiction, moderate to severe emotional disturbances (anxiety/depression), trauma and mental disorders. I am certified in crisis intervention as a pastoral counselor, as well as Prepare/Enrich. I have taught state-credentialed classes on substance abuse. Instruct
Contact Details
Practice Address:
Kansas City, Missouri 64153