L & A Professional Services, LLC is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include ADD and ADHD, Anxiety, Coping Skills, Learning Disabilities, Peer Relationships, Self Esteem, Stress, Teen Violence, Video Game Addiction, and Weight Loss. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Dr. Wines fundamentally believes people have the capacity to resolve their own problems with awareness and a willingness to change. Her assistance may unlock these abilities, while monitoring and evaluating the process. In relationships, the answers to questions are found by looking at trends and outcomes, along with self-acceptance and a commitment to authentic living. Having a well-balanced life means nurturing oneself and recognizing our existence is made more meaningful when we serve others! Ultimately, true evaluation of the past and present experiences can affect our interpretation of such, which affects how we feel and behave! I have a doctorate in Counselor Education from Sam Houston State University; a master’s degree in counseling from Prairie View A&M University; and a bachelor’s degree in English from Grambling State University. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (#69929) for the state of Texas. The theory used is Cognitive Behavioral. The goals here are to develop prog