Valerie Fink Sierra is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Anxiety, Chronic Relapse, Codependency, Coping Skills, Family Conflict, Life Transitions, Relationship Issues, Spirituality, Stress, and Women's Issues. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Coping with life as it is today isn’t easy for any of us.Getting and staying sober has been a challenge to say the least.For you the specter of substance abuse has followed you around for most of your life.Your past thoughts,feelings,actions,memories have all become tinged by a alcohol or drug-induced haze.The last several years of life have been shot through with alcohol or drugs. No need to list here all the damages or missed opportunities this has caused.Lists are simply constructs of the mind anyway.The heart and soul knows the cost paid and they hold the keys to open new doors. With expert therapy you can open these new doors. You will never out-think this disease called “addiction” or “alcoholism.”Nor will you escape it once it grips you and has taken over your life.But you can recover.By getting out of your head,into your heart and into action.Enough fantasy BS that “someday” you can control or enjoy drinking or drugging like other people.The stone cold sober truth i