Nicole Kahn is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include ADD and ADHD, Anger Management, Chronic Pain, Depression, Divorce, Emotional Disturbance, Life Transitions, Peer Relationships, Spirituality, and Women's Issues. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
If you are easily overwhelmed, have feelings of chronic anxiety or depression or are struggling to find balance or purpose in your life, I can help. I specialize in reducing anxiety, overcoming depression, healing trauma, and recovering from addictions and co-dependency. In our time together, we will focus on alleviating distressing symptoms while addressing underlying causes. As greater awareness is achieved, old, destructive patterns will fall away. You will integrate new and effective ways of living, achieving your ideal balance of body, mind and spirit. With in-depth knowledge of shock and developmental trauma, I specialize in healing the root causes of chronic depression and anxiety, addictions, and co-dependency. Using SE® – a safe, trauma resolution therapy – I offer clinical tools to resolve physiological states of flight, fight, freeze responses; restoring resiliency, presence and connection. I use an eclectic approach centered on somatic-based mindfulness psychotherapy. I co