April K. Boreham is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Anger Management, Career Counseling, Dual Diagnosis, Eating Disorders, Emotional Disturbance, Life Coaching, Obesity, Self Esteem, Stress, and Women's Issues. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Success in therapy begins with being able to build a strong, safe connection with your counselor. I understand that everyday stressors can have a negative effect on functioning, and I want to help individuals overcome any obstacle that might be impeding with their goals. As a team, I want to help you find a sense of direction and clarity by exploring new, positive ways, to think, feel, and live! Together, I want to help you feel empowered by your choices and assist in maintaining a positive, healthy, and productive lifestyle. If you are thinking about talking to someone, give it a try! Currently, I only offer phone and video sessions to Texas residents. Contact me with any questions you might have! In addition to individual and family therapy, I offer professional services for Supervised Visitation.
Contact Details
Practice Address:
San Antonio, Texas 78257