
Timothy J Donovan is a Psychologist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Anger Management, Anxiety, Career Counseling, Codependency, Coping Skills, Depression, Divorce, Life Coaching, Narcissistic Personality, and Sleep or Insomnia. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

Home » Therapists » Timothy J Donovan

Therapist Overview

I find that the variety and extent (over 35 years) of my professional experience has much to do with having developed individual strengths and a unique approach to psychotherapy. Each decade and it’s professional challenges and opportunities for learning has vaulted the work I do to new levels of growth and creativity. This ongoing experience has led to the development of a very individual intuitive-experiential approach to learning and transformation in psychotherapy. Ultimately, if we are to live a full life, we must follow our own inner calling, our soul’s yearning. At its heart, depth psychology is a highly individualized approach to discovering what the soul yearns for – the deeper dream for one’s life, fueled by one’s own unique motivating soul force, providing life its essential passion, vitality and creative energy The basic intention behind the practice depth psychology is to support and guide you in these powerfully transforming experiences of your soul. When we experience crisis or life transitions consciously, we find opportunities for opening into the depth of our feeling life, for soul retrieval, and for allowing creative forces to run more freely in our lives.

Contact Details

Practice Address:

Pensacola, FL 32503


Florida / py3430


University of Southern Mississippi


(850) 990-3865

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