Molly Fredricks LCSW is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Bipolar Disorder, Codependency, Divorce, Emotional Disturbance, Family Conflict, Parenting, Peer Relationships, Self Esteem, Spirituality, and Women's Issues. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Most people find that there are times when life can become very difficult, even sometimes overwhelming. Being able to speak with someone who is objective in a safe, comfortable and confidential environment can help. I work with people who are having issues with relationships, marriage, parenting or who are going through life transitions which are causing pain and interfering with the ability to feel good. I see individuals, couples or family members depending on what you feel would be of most help. My goal is to work together with you in resolving pain and increasing happiness. I am an experienced therapist who has provided therapy to people struggling with many different issues. I utilize specific techniques such as cognitive/behavioral, stress reduction, insight therapy and short term psycho-dynamic . My goal is to work together with a client in order to find out what helps the most. I am very committed to making sure that I provide a very confidential and nonjudgmental environment s
Contact Details
Practice Address:
Portland, Maine 4101