Michael Ford is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Antisocial Personality, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Career Counseling, Family Conflict, Life Transitions, Narcissistic Personality, Obesity, Parenting, and Relationship Issues. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Many people experiencing significant emotional problems are uncertain whether counseling sessions might help in their particular case. They wonder about the ultimate goals of therapy. This uncertainty usually disappears once people actually start working with an understanding therapist. Among other benefits, counseling can help you identify unhealthy thought and behavior patterns that trigger psychological distress in your daily life. You can become better at noticing and correcting thought distortions that often lead to personal and workplace problems. Whatever your particular circumstances and challenges, professional counselling can help you discover the way towards a less stressful and more fulling life. Couples face many complex challenges in today’s rapidly changing world. Problems surrounding finances, childcare, communication, work schedules, intimacy, and household duties are among stress factors that commonly impact modern couples. Effective couples counseling focuses on deve