Counselor, Washington

Lily Ewing is a Counselor based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Coping Skills, Family Conflict, Peer Relationships, Self Esteem, Spirituality, Stress, and Women's Issues. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

Home » Therapists » Lily Ewing

Therapist Overview

Life can get better. Do you want a happier, healthier life? If you need support and encouragement to take on your next steps in life, to heal from hurts of the past, or battle anxiety or depression, I will be with you to coach you, encourage you, and be an ally in your process. If you’re looking to repair, strengthen, and grow your relationship, I will support you and teach you what it takes to get where you and your partner want to be. Your life doesn’t have to stay like this, even if you feel stuck right now. It doesn’t have to be like this forever. When we meet, I will listen to you, support you, and help you grow. I sometimes act as a consultant, coach, or teacher throughout the therapy process, but through each step of growth you will be supported. Everyone in my office will be cared for and respected throughout the therapy process, and I take a nonjudgmental stance toward humans. I know how it feels to be stuck in a rut, but you don’t have to stay here. Let’s work together so you

Contact Details

Practice Address:

18 West Mercer Street Suite 380 Seattle
Seattle, Washington 98119


Washington / MC60893467


Northwest University


(206) 279-6701


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