Rebecca A Bohnenkamp is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Anger Management, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality, Chronic Pain, Coping Skills, Depression, Life Coaching, Relationship Issues, and Self Esteem. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Bohnenkamp Behavioral Health currently accepting new patients . Please use email option providing a name and number. As a therapist I often say I am not a “friends with coffee” type therapist. My style has developed throughout my career but it has been shaped by my personality as well. I tend to be very direct so I can provide you with support and challenges to reach your personal goals in a progressive manner. I am skilled in creating a strong therapeutic relationship with my patients that is built on my warmth, humor and directness which has proven to be very effective when paired with my education, creativity, and experience. My clinic offers individual psychotherapy treating all types of mental health related diagnoses. While I specialize in trauma recovery, I also have extensive experience dealing with the treatment of domestic violence related issues and transgender transitional concerns. In addition I offer Life Coaching to aid in overcoming personal and motivational issues. I believe that individual therapy is a journey towards overcoming past and present barriers to happiness that limit one’s ability to reach his or her highest potentials in life. I see my role as that of a guide helping provide insight, skills, and growth so those in my care can reach their goals. That journey towards your future begins with you!