Counselor, Washington

Rachel Elder is a Counselor based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Anxiety, Coping Skills, Family Conflict, Parenting, Self Esteem, and Stress. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

Home » Therapists » Rachel Elder

Therapist Overview

“I’m so tired of having the same fight and disagreement with my partner.” “I want to feel the joy and excitement I felt when we first started dating.” “I love my partner, but it feels like we lost our spark.” “I want to have the best marriage I can and I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.” You are here because you found yourself making one of these statements above. Your relationship is needing guidance and direction as you work towards building a strong relationship together. You want a strong foundation in your relationship so that you have a solid force supporting you when the hard days come. I will work with you and your partner to build the relationship you both have been dreaming of. We will work together to create healthy and effective communication patterns, to increase conflict resolutions and develop understanding on your similarities and differences. We will also explore how the families you grew up in impact your relationship patterns. I have been where you are and know the importance of having accountability and support along the way. I have sat on the couch with my husband and worked hard to have a strong foundation for my marriage. I want you to have strength, abundance, and a lifetime of love. Contact me today and let’s begin building a stronger relationship for the two of you!

Contact Details

Practice Address:

Seattle, Washington 98146


Washington / LH60928751


The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology


(206) 258-7674

Professional Overview


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