
Kristen LoBianco is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Codependency, Coping Skills, Depression, Emotional Disturbance, Obesity, Relationship Issues, School Issues, Stress, Weight Loss, and Women's Issues. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

Home » Therapists » Kristen LoBianco

Therapist Overview

Answering the essential question of “Who am I?”, can be difficult in today’s world. Even as the world gets “smaller”, supposedly more connected, many of us still wander without passion for self-discovery. I would propose a strong sense of identity is essential to good mental health. Satisfying that question of “Who am I” must include physical and emotional presence in each moment and a strong sense of connectivity with mind, body and world. Anxiety, depression, self-esteem and trauma detach us from becoming who want we want be. Throughout my career, I’ve helped clients cope with their struggles through mindfulness, meditation and movement. At the core of my work, I’ve found a passion for working with eating disorders. The path we take will include collaboration with a nutritionist, psychiatrist, and MD, all specific to your needs. The greatest impact we can have on our being in this world is one rooted in self love and acceptance: “And I said to my body softly. ‘I want to be your frien

Contact Details

Practice Address:

Nourish Your Mind, LLC Monroe, NY 10950


New York / 087672


Fordham University


(845) 262-6235

Professional Overview


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