Erin Lovett, PhD, LCSW, Red Couch Counseling is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Codependency, Depression, Family Conflict, Life Coaching, Life Transitions, Parenting, and Relationship Issues. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
If you are reading this, you are searching for the answer to your problem. If you’re here, it has probably reached a point where the pain has become so overwhelming you’re willing to reach out for help. It is not easy to live with difficult problems, and it is definitely not easy to watch someone you love struggle! I’m here to tell you that I have been in dark places and I’ve come out on the other side- and you can, too. My goal is to help other people learn how to break through tough cycles. Whether those cycles are depression, addiction, anxiety, codependency, behavior problems, etc… In order to live a life that is fulfilling. I look forward to meeting you. I treat clients who struggle with: anxiety, depression, substance abuse problems, co-dependency, or a child with behavioral problems. Addiction and Behavior Problems are family problems- meaning they affect every person within the family system; and have the potential to cause anxiety, depression, and a decrease in emotional wel