Andrew W Zimmerman is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Behavioral Issues, Borderline Personality, Career Counseling, Codependency, Divorce, Emotional Disturbance, Family Conflict, Relationship Issues, School Issues, and Self Esteem. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
People seek therapy when they are feeling overwhelmed and when their usual coping skills aren’t working. Maybe you’re feeling stuck in your work life or relationships, or struggling to find a sense of well being. These difficulties can lead to symptoms of depression, anxiety and addictions, to name a few. I envision therapy as a space where two people can focus together on whatever is causing you pain. I believe this process can lead to greater self-awareness, effectiveness, and personal freedom, as your choices become more conscious and your sense of self deepens. Individual therapy will address issues both broad and specific such as self-esteem, relationship issues, academic struggles, and identity. My training is psychodynamic and relational: I invite clients to focus on and say whatever comes to mind in order to begin a collaborative dialogue that addresses your concerns. I am currently working with out-of-network benefits. My office would be happy to help you maximize your insuran
Contact Details
Practice Address:
Brooklyn, New York 11222