Counselor, Washington

Andrew Duffy Fontana is a Counselor based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Anxiety, Depression, Divorce, Family Conflict, Racial Identity, Sexual Addiction, Spirituality, and Stress. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

Home » Therapists » Andrew Duffy Fontana

Therapist Overview

Therapy offers something unique: a space set aside for the sole purpose of getting to know your life. Many seek therapy out of the desire for change. I believe in change, and that the desire for change is precious. As hopeless as a life or relationship can feel, the desire for change is enough to begin working towards something new. Therapy can be a great aid in this effort. Your struggles with anxiety, depression, sexuality, relationships, feeling lost and disconnected – are overwhelming to face alone. Through therapy, I believe these struggles can be bridges of connection, to life and those you love. I offer a space to begin together wherever you are on the journey of becoming a friend to yourself. This includes confronting all you wish could be different about the person you are and the life you lead. We can’t confront our disappointment and hurt alone. I hold kindness and curiosity so we can explore all you’ve experienced – the good and the difficult. My hope is the work we do together allows you to reengage the world with more hope, freedom, clarity and joy. Connecting to one’s own needs and desires allows relationships to be more fruitful and pleasure-filled. Enriching one’s relationships starts with fostering a relationship with yourself. I look forward to working together on this most wonderful task.

Contact Details

Practice Address:

4425 Fremont Avenue North Seattle
Seattle, Washington 98103


Washington / MC60947481


The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology


(206) 429-6829


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