
Justin J Leitstein is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Career Counseling, Life Coaching, Parenting, Relationship Issues, Self Esteem, and Spirituality. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

Home » Therapists » Justin J Leitstein

Therapist Overview

Justin Leitstein is a marriage and family therapist. The Malibu-based psychotherapist and former director of two acclaimed treatment centers works with individuals, couples, and families. Justin has an established reputation amongst many treatment professionals for providing instrumental therapeutic results for a wide range of challenges. He draws upon his refined therapeutic resources to deliver customized treatment programs for individuals and families. Justin Specializes In: Crisis Intervention, Conflict Resolution, Addiction Treatment, Recovery Management, Reducing Anxiety and Depression, Relapse Prevention, Strategizing for Safety, Working Through Resistance, Developing Present Mindedness, Increasing Levels of Functioning, Clarifying and Improving Life Purpose, Enhancing Understanding and Connection, Re-establishing Trust and Intimacy, Decreasing Stress and Anger. Therapeutic orientations include: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Structural Therapy, Strategic Therapy, Narrative Thera

Contact Details

Practice Address:

22601 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90265


California / LMFT89370



(323) 886-9568


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