Counselor, Kentucky

Begin to Talk LLC is a Counselor based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Addiction, Career Counseling, Coping Skills, Depression, Family Conflict, Life Coaching, Racial Identity, Self Esteem, Teen Violence, and Women's Issues. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

Home » Therapists » Begin to Talk LLC

Therapist Overview

Begin to Talk LLC’s mission is to take the conventional out of therapy and help people, businesses, and organizations become the best versions of themselves. The company is unique because it offers both in-office and online mental health therapy. When the sudden loss of a loved one happens, when life suddenly changes, or when unresolved issues seem too arise, Begin to Talk LLC is here to help YOU heal and understand how NOT to view the world through the, “knothole of your pain.“ My purpose is to help liberate people through meaningful discussions, discover their life purpose, and provide mental health therapy. Begin to Talk LLC offers mental health therapy that encourages people to have liberating conversations, ranging from life stressors to chronic mental health issues. Begin to Talk is committed to dispel stigmas that impede people from seeking mental health services by debunking systemic lies, mental health advocacy, and mental health therapy. Be unapologetically YOU! Fall in love with yourself, your creativity and the gifts that only YOU posses! Self discovery is an opportunity for you to finally get to know YOU and Not the you that you’re expected to be. YOU are enough! The power of change is already inside YOU! Join us today… let’s Begin to Talk!

Contact Details

Practice Address: Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40245



MEd Counseling, Clinical Mental Health, University of Louisville


(502) 237-1481

Professional Overview



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