Michael Monhart is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Anxiety, Behavioral Issues, Depression, Developmental Disorders, Peer Relationships, Relationship Issues, Self Esteem, and Stress. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Sometimes we feel like we want to change, or perhaps are forced to by circumstances or just the twists of human fate. Sometimes we understand what is happening, sometimes we feel lost, captured by anxiety, depression, addictions or even less-defined feelings of unease. Jung once wrote, “for life does not have only a yesterday, nor is it explained by reducing today to yesterday. Life has also a tomorrow, and today is understood only when we can add to our knowledge of what was yesterday the beginnings of tomorrow.” Together we ask how the past has led to this moment and how the future may offer potential for new growth and healing. My primary training is in Jungian therapy but I incorporate other contemporary modalities. As a psychoanalyst my focus is on working with my clients to shed light on the unconscious forces that affect our conscious behavior with the experience that doing so leads to lasting change. Dreams are your pathway to yourself and I use dream-work wherever possible. I
Contact Details
Practice Address:
New York, New York 10001