Kristin Lieberman is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Coping Skills, Depression, Life Transitions, Obesity, Parenting, Relationship Issues, Self Esteem, Stress, Weight Loss, and Women's Issues. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Every day you feel the pressure to be perfect. You wake up, scroll through your social media, and are left feeling inadequate; like something is wrong with you or you don’t “have it all together” the way it seems that others do. This feeling could be connected to your that way you view your body, your parenting, your work, your relationships; and the list goes on. You have dreams and goals, and continue to work hard and do your best, but still, it feels like you aren’t getting anywhere and you aren’t feeling any better about yourself or your life. Imagine what it can feel like to feel good about yourself and your life; imperfections and all! To be able to stop the comparison “spiral to nowhere” and feel more in control. Setbacks and mistakes will no longer disable you, your self-confidence will improve, and goals will feel achievable. For more information on myself and my practice, please check out my website. For the convenience of my clients, I offer early and late afternoon and even