Psychologist, Utah

Dale S Gody is a Psychologist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Adoption, Chronic Illness, Emotional Disturbance, Men's Issues, Narcissistic Personality, Parenting, Peer Relationships, Racial Identity, Relationship Issues, and Self Esteem. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

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Therapist Overview

By now you have probably read so many profiles your head is spinning and your eyes are bleary.. Finding the perfect therapist is an impossible ideal. The goal should be to find someone who has enough clinical and life experience, enough training, and someone who is interested in really listening to you to help you get unstuck from where you are now. Just as there is no ideal therapist, there is no ideal patient. We are all wounded in some way, some more, some less. Whatever problems or symptoms are getting in your way, in addition to finding relief for them, developing self understanding goes a long way and lasts a lifetime. An insight oriented therapist who believes there are no quick and easy solutions to life’s problems, I try to listen not only to what a person is communicating consciously but under the surface. All of us get stuck at some points in our lives, and understanding what is creating the stuck is essential to change. We will become partners in the change process Whether you have been struggling for a long time or just recently, change is always possible. I don’t believe that we get points for suffering. It is always anxiety provoking to seek help. We worry that we will be hurt like we were before. Trying to understand self-defeating relationship patterns or views of self and others can create new perspectives.

Contact Details

Practice Address:

4505 Wasatch Boulevard Suite 330E Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City, Utah 84124


Utah / 11374879-2501


Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute


(801) 948-2147


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