Psychologist, California

D Louise Mebane is a Psychologist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Codependency, Depression, Divorce, Dual Diagnosis, Family Conflict, Life Transitions, Parenting, School Issues, Self Esteem, and Spirituality. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

Home » Therapists » D Louise Mebane

Therapist Overview

Are friends not enough? Afraid to tell how bad you feel? You feel alone, like no one gets you? Feeling out of control? You are not alone, many have had those same feelings. As an experienced psychologist, I will work to help you understand your feelings and to feel confident and in charge of your life again. In fact, this brave step, to find a therapist, brings you closer to feeling yourself, more empowered and self confident. Therapy will put you on a path of discovery of your truth of your life, hopes, dreams, and goals resulting in positive growth and true sense of well-being. As a Cognitive/Behavioral-Solution-Focused therapist, we will work together to uncover your true potential and experience a life that is worth celebrating. While we can’t erase difficult situations of the past, we can work together to understand how these events have impacted your life today. We will focus on the here and now and identify and resolve old d As an experienced psychologist, I will work to help you understand your feelings and to feel confident and in charge of your life again. In fact, this brave step, to find a therapist, brings you closer to feeling yourself, more empowered and self confident. Therapy will put you on a path of discovery of your truth of your life, hopes, dreams, and goals res

Contact Details

Practice Address:

569 North Rossmore Avenue Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California 90004


California / PSY12373



(424) 346-8954

Professional Overview


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