What is Art Therapy?

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Art Therapy uses various art forms to help you with specific concerns. Art therapy could include drawing, painting, sculpting, coloring, writing, music, drama, or dance, among others. The therapist will encourage you to connect your art with your inner experience. This process allows you to release emotions.

The basis of Art Therapy is that creativity is a way for people to express feelings and thoughts that they might have difficulty communicating in a conversation. Creating art can also help you engage in self-expression, which is key to therapeutic change and growth.

You don’t need to be artistic to benefit from Art Therapy. Research shows that people benefit from engaging in the creative process, regardless of ability.

Art Therapy is particularly beneficial for those who experience trauma. But it can help people with a wide range of mental health concerns or stress.

Therapists Who Specialize in Using Art Therapy

Jenny Y. Ramirez, LMFT



The care you deserve. Seeking help is an important step towards improving your life. Finding the right therapist for you can be overwhelming, but it does start with you. Schedule with Jenny today!
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