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How to Know If You Need Therapy

You aren’t feeling quite yourself lately. You can’t seem to pull out of the funk you’re in. It’s challenging to get out of bed in the morning, and you spend a lot of time worrying about things that your analytical mind understands are unlikely to happen. You don’t feel like…

How to Get Started With Therapy

Treatment doesn’t need to be intimidating. In this article, Sylvia Corcoran provides six steps to get started with therapy.

What to Expect from Your First Therapy Session

It’s time for your first therapy session. You’re anxious and a bit uncertain, but you’re also excited to get started and to start feeling better. Before the appointment, here’s what to expect from your first therapy session. What Will Your First Session Look Like? Your first therapy session isn’t like…

Types of Child Therapy

The decision to put your child in therapy can be a scary one to make. You might feel nervous about putting your child in the care of someone else. Or you might be fearful that they won’t benefit from therapy. And we all understand that kids can, well, say embarrassing…

Does Therapy Work?

About 40 million Americans received therapy in 2019, and we know the number of people seeking help since the COVID-19 pandemic hit has increased. And still, a lot of people leave their therapist’s office after a session still struggling and wondering if therapy actually works.  The answer is yes, therapy…

Why Is It So Hard to Go to Therapy?

You know why you don’t want to go to the dentist. After all, who wants a drill on their teeth? And pretty much every annual exam comes with uncomfortable tests that everyone would rather avoid. But is the same true for therapy? Why is it so hard to go to…

How to Tell Someone They Need Therapy

“Girl, you need some help!” You know you’ve wanted to say this at one point or another. Especially since the No. 1 reason people go to therapy is to figure out how to deal with other people who refuse to go. But you can’t just blurt it out that way. You have…

Finding the Right Counselor for You

Reaching the decision to seek out a counselor is a brave step that isn’t always easy to take. The next step is finding the right counselor for you. It would be great if finding the right counselor was as simple as identifying the right type of counselor with appropriate credentials.…

How Daily Affirmations Can Positively Impact Your Life

Daily positive affirmations are statements that can boost your confidence and counteract negative thoughts and feelings. They encourage you to focus on your strengths instead of telling yourself things that accentuate your shortcomings, which can be bad for your mental health. The Science Behind the Practice Negative thoughts can have…