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Webinar: Embracing Journaling

If you could do something simple every day that would improve your mood, increase your positivity, and help relieve stress, would you do it? You likely answered that question with a resounding “Yes!” Yet, only about 1-in-6 people consider themselves active journalers. Journaling just 20 or fewer minutes a day…
A woman looking unhappy sitting on the floor next to some holiday decorations.

When the Holidays Aren’t Happy Times

If you take a look at social media, it seems like everyone is having a festive season straight out of a movie or television show. They’re going to parties, baking cookies, buying the perfect gift for everyone, and decorating everything around them to look like a holiday winter wonderland. Even…

Webinar: When the Holidays Aren’t Happy Times

The parties, food, gifts, and time with loved ones… it seems like the holidays are a happy, festive time for everyone, but that just isn’t the case.  The holidays can bring on a great deal of stress, loneliness, and anxiety. For those living with a mental health disorder, the holidays…
A teenage girl looking at her phone.

Advice for Therapists from Parents of Teens

When you bring your little bundle of joy home from the hospital, it seems everyone has advice on what you should and shouldn’t do. Put them to sleep this way. Don’t feed them that way. Don’t forget to do xyz. The advice continues through toddlerdom and the elementary school years…
Advice for Therapists from Parents of Teens webinar promo

Webinar: Advice for Therapists from Parents of Teens

Everyone has advice for you when you have an infant, but the helpful tips dry up by the time you find yourself parenting a teen. Parents often feel like they're just trying to survive the teenage years, and no one knows what they’re doing. It’s a challenging time for the…
Woman of color sitting talking to female therapist

Life Coach vs. Therapist

Do you need a life coach, or is a therapist the key to addressing your concerns? The answer is, “It depends.”  When it comes to life coaching vs. therapy, both fulfill important but different roles. And you don’t necessarily have to choose one or the other. A person might need…
Man Sitting on Floor In Hallway

Are You Struggling With Depression?

Depression is a serious mental health disorder that can significantly impact a person's daily life, relationships, and overall functioning. It goes beyond just feeling "a bit down" and it can make you feel unmotivated, produce negative thoughts, and make necessities in life seem pointless. Depression rates have reached an all-time…
Couple holding hands behind white brick background

What’s Your Attachment Style?

Your attachment style explains why you act the way you do in relationships. Identifying your attachment style can help guide you toward healthier communication and stronger future relationships. Whether you’re wondering what your attachment style is or how it may impact your relationships, this post can help. What are the…
Family of Four Walking on the Beach

What is Family Therapy?

The familial system is complex and can form in many ways. The people you include in your family may be related by biology or love. Family can be a source of lifelong support or emotional pain. Some families are a little of both. When relationships become strained, family therapy techniques…
Multiple Silhouettes of a Woman

What is Multiple Personality Disorder?

It’s difficult to believe that a person can split into more than one personality on a given day, but it happens for people living with Multiple Personality Disorder. What causes a person to have a split personality? This post will help you understand Dissociative Identity Disorder, its possible causes, signs…

Will My Health Insurance Cover Therapy?

You’ve recognized that you need a mental health professional to help work through some concerns. You chose a counselor with the right credentials and are ready to make an appointment. Now you’re wondering if your health insurance will cover therapy. The answer is probably. Congress passed the Paul Wellstone and…

Understanding the Types of Counselors

You’ve reached the decision to seek support from a counselor. You have healing to do, and you understand that you can’t do it alone. But when you start looking for a counselor, you find it’s not as easy as you thought. There are many different types of counselors, and the…
Woman Packing a Suitcase

What to Pack for an Inpatient Recovery Program

You’ve decided to get help at an inpatient recovery program and now you have to figure out what to pack. Just like packing for a trip, packing for a treatment center can feel overwhelming and it can be stressful. We can’t take away the anxiety you may be feeling by…
Prescription Pad

Medical Marijuana and Mental Health

Should you use medical marijuana as a treatment for mental health issues? The answer to that question depends on which medical professional you ask. While medical marijuana is illegal at the federal level, as of April 2023, it’s legal in 38 states, plus Washington DC, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana…
Woman Paying Bills in Kitchen

Maintaining Your Mental Health in a Recession

The United States is expected to enter into a recession sometime in 2023. A recession is two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth with a decrease in spending that can result in job loss and other financial concerns. Recession and mental health are inextricably linked. Financial stressors related to a…