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How to Tell If Your Therapist Doesn’t Like You

Therapy can make you feel vulnerable. So, it’s natural to be curious about the person you’re sharing the space with — your therapist. You may wonder how to tell if your therapist doesn’t like you? And, does it really matter? The point of therapy is not to get your therapist…

How Much Does Therapy Cost?

Like many other essential healthcare services, therapy is usually not free. So, how much does therapy cost? While it’s impossible to give an exact answer due to factors like insurance, area, and service, this post will provide you with an idea of what to expect. Why People Seek Therapy The…

Embracing the Aging Process

People live in an age-obsessed culture, yet the aging process is an unavoidable aspect of being human. It’s difficult embracing the aging process when you see advertisements for products that try to sell you youth in a bottle everywhere you turn. Somehow, western society convinced people that the aging process…

8 Common Questions About Internet Addiction

You've likely joked about spending too much time online. You may even cringe when you get your weekly screen time report. Who doesn't? But there is a difference between spending more time than you think you should online and internet addiction. When you have an internet addiction, you can't balance…

Managing Betrayal Trauma Triggers

You never know when your betrayal trauma triggers could turn a happy afternoon into an emotional rollercoaster. Partners of people with sexual addictions often experience betrayal or infidelity trauma.  Trauma is an emotional response to an event or series of events. Near-death experiences, natural disasters, abuse, or violent crimes are…

Why Do People Go to Therapy?

People go to therapy for various reasons, including mental health concerns. This post explains why people go to therapy and its benefits.

Couple’s Therapy vs. Marriage Counseling

When partners encounter problems in their relationship, they might find themselves searching the web for "couple's therapy vs. marriage counseling" or trying to figure out which one they need. What's the difference? Are they not the same thing?  There are some differences between couples therapy and marriage counseling. But both…

Why Do I Hate My Job?

Your alarm goes off on Monday morning. Do you yawn, stretch, and gently roll out of bed with a refreshed, optimistic view of the week ahead? Or do you groan and hit the snooze button a few times? If the latter sounds familiar, you may be wondering, “Why do I…

How to Get the Most Out of Therapy

Everyone seeking counseling, regardless of the reason, wants to get the most out of therapy. While your therapist can provide tools and help you develop coping skills, healing will only come if you commit to the process. It is important for you to take an active role in therapy for…

Understanding Your Therapy Treatment Plan

A treatment plan is a roadmap that a patient and counselor will follow. This post explains why having a therapy treatment plan is important.

Caring for Aging Alcoholic Parents

Alcoholism in adults ages 65 and older is more common than you might think. The struggles of caring for aging alcoholic parents are familiar to a growing number of adults in the United States. Alcohol is the most used substance among adults age 65 and older. Additionally, alcohol use is…

Exploring the Different Types of Therapy

Deciding to go to therapy is a big step toward improving your mental health and quality of life. But once you choose to seek counseling, you have to decide between all the different types of therapy available.  From riding a horse and completing a ropes course to dance and painting,…

How to Know If You Need Therapy

You aren’t feeling quite yourself lately. You can’t seem to pull out of the funk you’re in. It’s challenging to get out of bed in the morning, and you spend a lot of time worrying about things that your analytical mind understands are unlikely to happen. You don’t feel like…

How to Get Started With Therapy

Treatment doesn’t need to be intimidating. In this article, Sylvia Corcoran provides six steps to get started with therapy.

What to Expect from Your First Therapy Session

It’s time for your first therapy session. You’re anxious and a bit uncertain, but you’re also excited to get started and to start feeling better. Before the appointment, here’s what to expect from your first therapy session. What Will Your First Session Look Like? Your first therapy session isn’t like…