Rosa Maria Rangel is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Family Conflict, Peer Relationships, and Self Esteem. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Are you or someone you know suffering with an addiction? Getting help is going to be hard, you will have ups and downs, but if you are ready to get clean and sober you will be able to overcome your addiction and begin living a more fulfilling life in sobriety. No matter whats happened in the past, how many times you have relapsed, or how terrible your life has become, never give up. Feel free to call and make an appointment as a first step into changing your life around. I work with clients with addiction problems and clients who are dual-diagnosed. These are clients with an addiction problem and a mental health issue. I have experience in inpatient drug treatment facility, out patient, individual, group, and family counseling. Está usted o un ser querido sufriendo de alcoholismo o drogadicción? Es difícil pedir ayuda, as que tome el primer paso hacia su recuperación y haga una cita para una consulta y inicie su camino libre de la adiccion. No importa en que oscuridad se encuentre,
Contact Details
Practice Address:
Dallas, Texas 75206