Therapist, Colorado

Kimberly Bryant is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Adoption, Divorce, and Relationship Issues. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

Home » Therapists » Kimberly Bryant

Therapist Overview

Hello! I am a Family Therapist & Therapeutic Educational Consultant specializing in healing from relationship difficulties and traumatic events. I work alongside my clients closely through the therapeutic journey to assist the self-advocacy, compassion, and patience necessary for efficacy of treatment goals over time. Using a foundation of neuropsychology and systems theories, I tailor my counseling for each client/family from body-based practices, internal parts work, and reprocessing modalities. With an emphasis on best practice and informed sensitive care, I skillfully guide the process of deep change and long lasting transformation. My specialities lie in Family/Relational Therapies, Parenting Models and Practices, Developmental Neuropsychology, Emerging Adulthood Issues, Complex Stress Disorders, Intergenerational Trauma, and Trauma Sensitive Models and Practices. Grounded in a profound trust that we all have an inherent ability to overcome challenges and worn out patterns when we

Contact Details

Practice Address:

Roots Healing 100 Arapahoe Ave #8 Boulder
Boulder, Colorado 80302


Colorado / 0012111


Naropa University


(720) 548-2067


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