Dr. Darin Bergen is a Psychologist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Anger Management, Anxiety, Chronic Illness, and Coping Skills. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
You’ve been suffering on your own for far too long, pushing away the pain until it feels like you have nothing left. You’re exhausted. You feel alone but you put on a mask, smiling on the outside while you’re in so much pain inside. Because you pull it together for the people around you, nobody realizes what is going on. You’ve lost interest in everything. You can’t concentrate. Sometimes you hate yourself and wonder if you deserve to feel good ever again. You feel weak and you are so tired of this pain. It’s time for a change. You want a break. You want to relax and enjoy yourself. You want to feel good! It’s time to silence the critical thoughts so you can have some peace and quiet in your head. It’s time to get a handle on all of these painful emotions, heal and move forward into the life you desperately want. You want an amazing life. I can help you get there. I know it’s hard to get started, so I try to make the process as easy as possible. Visit my website (https://drdarinbergen.
Contact Details
Practice Address:
Portland, Oregon 97214