
Loesha Zeviar-Vega is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Anxiety, Chronic Relapse, and Life Coaching. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

Home » Therapists » Loesha Zeviar-Vega

Therapist Overview

Loesha is a LMFT with over a decade of direct hands-on experience working in the fields of substance abuse and mental health, both as a clinician providing one on one therapy and facilitating groups, as a program manager, director and administrator. Loesha takes pride in providing excellent care for her clients by being supportive, proactive, caring and honest. With more than 20 years of personal recovery experience Loesha understands the unique needs of clients and their families who struggle with the effects of the addiction, and the important process into recovery beyond mere abstinence from substances. Pragmatically addressing the underlying core issues as a way of truly becoming free from the maladaptive coping strategies, obsessive thinking and compulsive behaviors, which are active addiction. Loesha can also assist in assessing readiness for treatment and, if needed, coordinate treatment at an appropriate facility for each individual’s specific needs.

Contact Details

Practice Address:

1000 E Walnut Ave 225 Pasadena, CA 91101


California / 102292


Pacific Oaks College


(213) 568-0501

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