Leslie Gura is a Counselor based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Addiction. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Are you stuck with in a narrative you didn’t count on? It may be causing emotional or physical pain, weariness and hopelessness. But narratives are only one piece of a person’s overall story. As a lifelong writer and editor, I found once I entered the clinical mental health counseling profession that narrative therapy is a unique way to help people recognize the dominant narrative in their lives and identify alternative, preferred narratives. Together, we figure out how to move toward those preferred narratives. It takes bravery to decide to change a narrative, and I deeply admire people who take the bold step to see a therapist. I’m excited to hear your every part of your story and would like to work with you to bring insight, planning and action toward the narrative you’d like for your life.