Carolyn D Frye is a Counselor based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Bipolar Disorder, Relationship Issues, School Issues, Spirituality, and Weight Loss. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
You may be surprised to discover that the name of your problem is very familiar to me and that I am experienced in counseling interventions that will help you find other ways of responding to your unique life situations. Some common client issues include Depression, Anxiety, Relationship Issues, Self-esteem, Academic/work Performance, Addictive Behavior, and Changing Habits. These issues may be common, but their impact on your life will be unique. You will tell your story, your way, and in your time. Together we identify treatment interventions and goals that create the change that you want. Supervision for Counseling Licensure: For me, supervision is about providing counselors with an environment where we can review your work in order to increase your skills and optimize the quality of care that you offer your clients. I share the roles of teacher, trainer, and monitor – roles I love. Hypnosis offers you a group of techniques for focusing your mind so that the subconscious can absorb
Contact Details
Practice Address:
Atlanta, Georgia 30331