Meredith Buchanan is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Life, man. Life. With the highs, come the inevitable lows which can be difficult to navigate, much less tolerate. Sometimes the lows look like sadness or irritability and feel like stuckness. Sometimes the lows look like not connecting with your partner, your child, or yourself. Sometimes the lows are just hard to describe, but they certainly don’t feel good. We work together to provide you with the tools you need to move through your stuckness, your lack of connection, your difficulty communicating, or whatever it is that creates frustration or pain, in order to help you feel better. I work with individuals, couples, and families to navigate through these tough spots, providing new tools and perspectives, through an environment of warmth, safety, and non judgement. We can work together for as many or as few sessions as you may may need and prefer. Whatever works for you! Please feel free to call today at 424-290-1208 in order to schedule an appointment so that we can get started on wo