
Jayne Malpede is a Psychologist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

Home » Therapists » Jayne Malpede

Therapist Overview

Dr. Malpede received her doctoral degree in clinical psychology from The Union Institute and University in 2003. Prior to that, she spent a decade working as master’s level therapist at a community mental health and substance abuse program. In recent years, she has worked in private practice and as a staff psychologist/coordinator of substance abuse services at Miami University Student Counseling Service. She is a member of the Ohio Psychological Association and the Cincinnati Academy of Professional Psychology. Dr. Malpede works with adults and considers herself to be a generalist, assisting clients with a wide range of concerns.

Contact Details

Practice Address:

PsychBC West Chester West Chester, OH 45069


Ohio / P.6040



(513) 342-2318

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