Psychologist, Colorado

Anne Y-J Hsu is a Psychologist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Autism, Chronic Illness, Emotional Disturbance, Racial Identity, Spirituality, and Women's Issues. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

Home » Therapists » Anne Y-J Hsu

Therapist Overview

( English | 中文 ) Courage is the foundation to every client’s work. Whether you are making a life decision, addressing your or helping your family member/ love ones’ with their psychological struggles, or striving to become who you are and do what truly matters to you… Often times, courage may be disguised as anxiety, fear or painful indecisiveness. Reach a better understanding, through testing or mapping out where you are, and really listen to your symptoms/ guides. Then I encourage you to plant courage through forgiveness and compassion so that you can practice, acceptance, confrontation, working through, and letting go. Having been cultivated in four different countries with varying traditions, I practice psychotherapy in a way that values science and philosophical wisdom. You will sense my mindfulness attitude as I walk you through how breathing effects your polyvagal system. You can also appreciate and understand symptoms & diagnoses from more than the pathology lens. For now

Contact Details

Practice Address:

1757 S Pearl St Unit B Denver
Denver, Colorado 80210


Colorado / PSY.0005236


Saybrook University


(720) 709-2725

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