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If you’re looking for a therapist that specializes in working with female clients, you can use our therapist database to locate a counselor near you. AllCouseling.com’s directory allows you to find a therapist who is focused on serving your unique needs.

Chelsea Kuehl, MA, LMFT, CATC-IV

Los Angeles


Chelsea utilizes evidenced based practices to teach clients the skills to more fully engage in their life.  As part of this, Chelsea works with clients to balance acceptance and change.  Balancing acceptance and change assists clients to navigate facts of their lives while working to problem solve areas where change is desired.  As part of this, there is a focus on becoming more skillful in emo...

Emily Cuadra, MCMHC, LPC



Emily graduated with her Masters in Clinical Mental Health degree from the University of Oklahoma in 2020. Before graduating and beginning her candidacy, she worked as a Behavioral Health Case Manager at local schools. Emily is a Licensed Professional Counselor at Byte and Associates, LLC in Chickasha, Oklahoma and also sees clients via telehealth.
Welcome! I am Alena and  I am a holistic psychotherapist based in New York City. I have a background in holistic nutrition and wellness coaching and am also a certified yoga practitioner and Reiki energy healer. With that said, I have also immersed myself in the practices of mindfulness, yoga, meditation and other spiritual tools for my own healing journey. I am a firm believer of the interconn...
A Flourishing Community aims to provide mentorship, group therapy, continuing education and community building spaces for underrepresented individuals working towards careers in the mental health field in anti-oppressive ways.
I strive to use a method that will work best for you and your situation. I believe that developing mutual trust is an important element in the success of your work together. I believe that people do not exist in isolation, and our feelings and behavior are strongly influenced by our interactions with others and our environment.