Steven A. Elkind is a Psychologist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Adoption, Asperger's Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, Chronic Pain, Depression, Divorce, Dual Diagnosis, Eating Disorders, Parenting, and Video Game Addiction. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Real change lies in a person’s willingness to become more of who they are rather than trying to become what they are not. You are not a problem to be solved or fixed. Competent therapy offers no gimmicks, no quick fixes– what matters is a willingness to explore who you are rather than who you “should” be. I cannot promise quick and easy relief from your suffering. What I can promise is my full attention and engagement. Every difficulty is an opportunity; perhaps not a welcome opportunity but your struggle has meaning—you are not satisfied with the status quo, you have not given up. People behave on the basis of choice or habit. Habits of thinking or behavior that were once useful may now be interfering with healthy functioning. The work of therapy is the restoration of choice. My approach is where habit was, there choice shall be. The result is you maintaining and supporting yourself after therapy is over. A successful couple’s relationship is based on how two separate individuals can relish their connection while honoring the other’s differences. The recognition of the other as a unique other is the electricity that charges the joy of togetherness.
Contact Details
Practice Address:
Madison, Wisconsin 53713