Psychologist, California

Lisa Vitti is a Psychologist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Peer Relationships. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

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Therapist Overview

A person most often seeks therapy when a part of his/her life feels unmanageable. Often past skills used to cope are no longer effective and one may feel vulnerable and alone even in the presence of others. Sometimes these feelings occur after a recent transition in a relationship, career choice, or a recent move. At other times, someone may experience diffuse feelings of anxiety and sadness without a specific stressor. Psychodynamic therapy involves a combination of effort from both the therapist and the individual seeking help. I work best with those who tend to have a curiosity about their inner life and an openness for exploration. I help the people I work with understand multiple layers and meanings of themselves I also teach and supervise psychologists who are in training.

Contact Details

Practice Address:

617 S Olive Suite 806 Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California 90014


California / PSY19403


Fielding Graduate University


(310) 366-5413

Professional Overview


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