Judy N Schneier is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
I am a child and adolescent therapist who works with young people and their families in a developmentally sensitive manner. Through careful listening and collaborative parent work, we create the possibility for change. Younger children use play as their most authentic means of communication. Talking directly about worries can be overwhelming. Play becomes a rich way for me to communicate with your child. Older children often communicate directly about their concerns, but will play while we talk. Play gives them a feeling of control and familiarity when addressing difficult issues. Teens face pressure from peers and the big changes occurring in their own bodies. Struggles for autonomy frequently create conflict with parents. I offer teens a safe place to talk about issues, express emotion and reflect on the their choices helped by my mature (but not parental) perspective. My office is set up to allow children to play actively (check office photo on website). Children, especially those w
Contact Details
Practice Address:
Brooklyn, New York 11215