Psychologist, Illinois

Jared Eaton is a Psychologist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Addiction, and Anxiety. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

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Therapist Overview

Some therapists believe that in order for one to be free of emotional pain, they must first experience emotional pain. In my experience revisiting emotional distress can be retraumatizing and is not needed to be free from it. I am interested in gently and effectively resolving painful emotions in a minimal amount of time. I have experience clearing trauma, grief, substance cravings, panic attacks and more. I am trained in a unique and innovative treatment that is designed to use specific language to talk to the part of the mind that is responsible for distressing emotion. This treatment focuses on finding the stuck points in your mind and clearing out all the stuff that has been keeping you from fully living your life. I want to help you get out of that stuck place and living life fully and optimally.

Contact Details

Practice Address:

10540 South Western Avenue Chicago
Chicago, Illinois 60643


Illinois / 071009734


The Chicago School of Professional Psychology


(708) 398-9401

Professional Overview


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