Psychologist, New York

Hilary Hancock is a Psychologist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include Stress. This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

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Therapist Overview

Working on important relationships— whether together or apart— can be an incredibly rewarding journey. We’ll start where you are and what brought you to this point, including what you’ve tried so far. Then, we will look more closely for both default choices that create patterns of ineffective dynamics and responses, as well as successful moments where you are able to make effective decisions about how you want to respond to a person or situation. This will involve looking at all kinds of habits: behavioral, mental, interpersonal. Enter: the power of choice. Increasing your awareness of how you impact the world around you can feel empowering! And when you feel empowered and free to create the life you want for yourself, what else can stop you from growing? Here’s what I bring to the table: mental health expertise, relationship expertise, an open mind, a curious attitude, and respect for your autonomy. What you bring to the table: a growth mindset , an open mind, a curious attitude, motivation to work on yourself and relationship between our sessions and use our time to troubleshoot. For more about my approach, check out my website, .

Contact Details

Practice Address:

1182 Broadway Suite 3C New York
New York, New York 10001


California / PSY28949



(424) 363-9366

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