What is Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

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Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is for children and adolescents that experienced trauma like sexual abuse, physical abuse, maltreatment, or neglect. Counselors use it in an individual or a group setting.

TF-CBT is highly structured with specific goals for each session, lasting anywhere from eight to 25 sessions. It also includes non-offending parents and caregivers to help the child continue the work they learn during and increase positive behaviors at home, at school, and in the rest of their lives.

TF-CBT helps children and adolescents understand the connection between thoughts and feelings. Additionally, TF-CBT uses the trauma narrative process, where children or adolescents retell the therapist their trauma experience. Then, the child and counselor process the trauma. These phases are crucial to TF-CBT’s goal, which is to allow the child to live a healthier life post-trauma ultimately.

Therapists Who Specialize in Using Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Lauren Spencer, LMHC



Come in and settle into the healing power that is growth and wholeness. In counseling, I get the privilege of watching my clients transform in ways they never would have thought possible. Whether you feel stuck or broken, you are struggling with something specific or not so specific, we will work together to get you to a place of peace.