What is Christian Counseling?

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Christian Counseling utilizes therapeutic skills with the Christian faith to help people heal. This therapeutic approach is a good option for those interested in the Christian faith or who have beliefs that allow them to benefit from a counselor who can help align their healing with tenets of Christianity.

Some people choose Christian counseling because they are experiencing life problems tied to their faith. Others may choose it because they are followers of Christ.

Christian Counseling uses the tenets of the Bible to assist you in developing healthy coping mechanisms, overcoming relational challenges, healing from trauma, and dealing with any other mental health concerns. Christian Counseling encourages strengthening your relationship with God, the Bible, and your faith.

Christian Counseling usually combines another form of therapy focusing on ideas from the Bible. Research shows that incorporating spirituality into mental health counseling can be beneficial for those who have had or plan to connect to their faith.

People dealing with any mental health concern can benefit from Christian Counseling if they want to strengthen their relationship with God simultaneously. Christian counselors typically have a background in the faith of Christianity, rely on the Bible to help them guide those they counsel, and try their best to integrate the mind, body, and spiritual aspects of counseling.

Therapists Specializing in Christian Counseling

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Charles Barden


North Carolina

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Mindy Moore

Little Rock


Do you feel hopeless because of your anxiety, depression or addiction? Unsatisfied in your marriage? Guilty or lost because of your divorce? I work with individuals and couples to assist them in finding hope. I believe that change happens when people are given the guidance they need to draw on their own strengths and realize their potential to live fulfilling lives. My educational background...
I am passionate about journeying alongside you with compassion, creating a safe place where you can discover your creative self, and focused upon supporting you as you work towards your unique treatment goals. As an Art Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and Addictions Counselor, I offer you the freedom to create art, engage in sand tray exploration, and mindfulness to discover your...
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Hello. I welcome the opportunity to work with you. I believe change is always possible. Working together as a team, I am committed to YOU and your success in emerging as a braver, more joyful, and fulfilled person. I want you to THRIVE, not just survive in life. People come to me because they oftentimes feel stuck in their lives. I help them identify where they want to go and help them get ther...
Everyone struggles with something at some time in their lives. Whether it is something you are struggling with or someone you care about, some things are just too overwhelming to have to overcome alone. From a foundation of biblical counseling, NH&CS offers a multi-modal approach to client-care that works to uncover the root cause of your issues or challenges. Specializing in stress, developmen...

P & R Schenck Associates


District of Columbia

As a certified pastoral counselor, I am deeply committed to the well-being of every one of my clients. I have 40 years experience working together with persons struggling with personal problems and helping them to overcome their difficulties, to flourish as an individual, and in their relationships. I take an eclectic, ecumenical approach to spirituality, working from my client’s personal...
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Destiny Robbins



Learn to break through the obstacles holding you back or getting in the way of your relationship. Whether it's communication, depression, or inequity, I believe the world ought to hear your voice. You deserve to be happy, to live a fulfilled life. As an educator, presenter, and published poet I pull from a vast array of experiences to help my clients achieve a more positive outlook on life, and...
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