We want to help you connect with a therapist who speaks Yiddish. We know finding a therapist you connect with isn’t an easy task. We know this is even more difficult when language barriers are present. Use our therapist directory to locate a therapist near you that speaks Yiddish. Bilingual counselors exist and we want to help you find one that speaks your native language.Therapists That Speak Yiddish
There are no ideal clients. I believe they are all interesting and they are all human beings; each with their own imperfections. I have learned to listen to them carefully and help them set their own goals. Many have daily life problems such as a depression caused by loss. Others caused by stress. Some have anger issues related to the childhood experiences, others related to frustration. Some c...
I work with clients seeking therapeutic support regarding religious identity that intersects with gender, sexuality, and relationship issues. I utilize various methods to provide my clients with strategies and tools for understanding their core sense of self, particularly within their relational or social environments. I approach therapy with an aim of creating a safe and supportive space for...
My Cherry Hill office, near Philadelphia, is accessible, well ventilated and private for in-person sessions. Online therapy from the privacy of your home is also available. Reach a supportive therapist who is one click away and can be accessed in any weather and in any mood. Do you have feelings of guilt, shame, traumatic memories or intrusive thoughts, family conflict, or have a family member ...
As a clinical therapist with over 35 years of experience, I work with adults, families, children, and adolescents. I specialize in treating children and adolescents with anxiety, depression, life transitions, A.D.H.D, as well as family systems issues such as parenting issues and school related issues. Developing social skills and coping skill development is also a focus of my practice. While I...
For the past 35 years I have worked in the field of counseling, education, and in the field of disability. It has been my fervent hope to find a therapeutic approach to neurological problems. When I encountered The field of brain training, also called neurofeedback, I knew I had found my life work. Since 2009 I have been providing a natural and non-invasive treatment for conditions that cover t...
Many people choose to begin therapy because they want to feel better, be more successful at work, or have better relationships. Psychotherapy can be helpful in addressing the emotional or sometimes even physical pain that can get in the way of such goals. The kind of psychotherapy that I practice involves careful listening and exploration of one's difficulties and how those difficulties tend to...
I am intuitive, open minded and direct in my practice. I help people when they are feeling overwhelmed by life and unsure how to move forward. I work with people struggling with their relationships, professional or family stresses and life transitions. As a couples therapist I support partners to improve communication, increase intimacy, identify yearnings, co-parent more effectively and mediat...
Life presents each and every one of us with various challenges, unique experiences, and complex relationships. It takes super-human effort, to summon the inner strength and capabilities, to realize our true value and live up to our unique potential. Identifying key strategies to find a healthy way to navigate our daily events, relationships, or responsibilities, among myriads of other...
Our patients are individuals, couples or groups who have been struggling with depression, anxiety, mood disorder and other behavioral challenges that have made ordinary day to day functioning impossible or extremely difficult. Through evidence-based clinical mental health therapy that includes EMDR, CBT, DBT, and SFBT, we assess, and diagnose individuals, couples and groups providing...
Early Childhood Treatment Center is a new service from Tikvah @ Ohel. Tikvah @ Ohel is a comprehensive, integrative mental health clinic proudly serving Brooklyn since 2001. Our new Early Childhood Treatment Center specializes in evidence based treatment of infants and children ages 0-5 in a family centered approach. Our highly trained, culturally diverse therapists work together with parents,...
My clinical work & research focuses on ➌ main issues ➼ , & . These are also my areas of . If you are struggling in any of these areas, I can offer you effective, brief, solution-focused care. I am a seasoned clinician who primarily works with professionals and their families. My clinical training & experience includes hospital, outpatient and private care. Sessions are personal and warm with a...
Admitting that one needs help can be painful, yet very rewarding. Taking that first step will lead you on a journey you never imagined. Find new ways of dealing with everyday frustrations. Learn to accept and experience a range of emotions; fear, joy, sadness, anger and contentment. I will support you as you explore the source of your conflict and learn new coping skills. I treat clients with...
I am a cognitive psychologist -- a practical person who will help you understand: What are your goals, and what is blocking you from reaching them? We'll work together to get a handle on how your thoughts may be impeding your progress, and, more importantly, how to adjust your thoughts to increase your chances of success. I have a special interest in anger management and believe that if you can...
You’re very very afraid. Perhaps even terrified. Wishing you could just do it, but against incredibly powerful emotions. Even thinking about it might trigger you off. Your heart starts pounding, your body is gripped with fear, and your thoughts start racing. You logically know it's not that bad, but your logic holds no sway in this struggle. Well, I'm here to tell you there is hope. You CAN...
I coach women (and sometimes men) to value themselves as much as they value others. My clients have had the following characteristics. See if any of these describe you. They want to be liked by everyone. They become anxious when others are angry with them. They avoid conflict at any cost. They judge themselves as never good enough. They are afraid to express differing points of view. They value...