We want to help you connect with a therapist who speaks Mandarin. We know finding a therapist you connect with isn’t an easy task. We know this is even more difficult when language barriers are present. Use our therapist directory to locate a therapist near you that speaks Mandarin. Bilingual counselors exist and we want to help you find one that speaks your native language.
Is your relationship stuck in the same pattern and you two are losing hope? Do you want more trust, connection and intimacy? Are you depressed, anxious, stressed, struggling with addiction or repeating patterns that lead you down to the same dead end? As a Certified Sex Therapist (CST) through AASECT, and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), I specialize in working with married & unmarried...
Sudden or longstanding emotional distress can greatly interfere with your ability to enjoy relationships, perform at your job or lead a fulfilling life. You may find yourself easily disappointed in friends and family, feeling lonely even among peers, amotivated, angry or envious of others, unsure of your abilities, or simply anxious or sad. There is relief from these feelings. Together, you and...
Many of us are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out right now. You might be feeling sad or angry about having to miss out on "regular life" or important events, or you may be stuck in a stressful living situation or a job that you now feel stuck in. Maybe you're feeling guilty because you feel like you "should" be grateful right now, but you really just feel awful. Whatever you are going throug...
We, as human beings, have our habitual way to think, feel, and behave which may not always help us cope well. We may feel stuck in the past, fearful for the unknown future, and not being able to be present in the moment. We are not able to change the past and we cannot live in the future because future is delusional and non-existent. The present is the only time that we can do something to make...
( English | 中文 ) I’m glad you are here! Looking for a therapist means you’ve taken the initiative to ask for help and seek for change. Many people say that they already start to feel better after making their first appointment. Whether you are feeling stuck or blocked to achieve your goals, losing self-confidence and motivation; or having difficulty coping with a recent loss, a big life chang...
I work with parents and their children (young child through adolescence) to develop skills that promote child development and prevent mental health difficulties. My parenting interventions are particularly helpful if parents want to learn new parenting strategies and tools to help manage difficult child behaviors. I use evidence-based parenting interventions and behavioral approaches, which is...
( English | 中文 ) The cause of suffering can also be the means of release and healing. I strive to construct a holding environment that creates a safe physical and psychological space wherein clients feel more free, more seen, and more authentic, so that spontaneous interactions, feelings, and experiences can occur. Therapy is an illuminating journey where I collaborate with clients as a fello...
Are you looking for a professional to help you express your emotional truth in important relationships in your life? Are you looking to find new perspectives and useful tools to help you gain empowerment and freedom? Do you desire for a calmer mind with inner peace? This is where I can help. I will help you express your emotional truth, build coping skills, and successfully navigate life...
At Queens Neuropsychological Services, we are committed to providing clinical services that are effective, empirically-supported, and culturally-sensitive. Our clinical director, Dr. Elsa Lee, is a psychologist who specializes in clinical neuropsychology and counseling psychology. She has over ten years of experience working with children and adults. She completed her internship at NYU Langone...
Do you feel lost in life, not knowing what you want or who you want to be? And you hope to find joy and peace in just being yourself. Do you feel trapped in the past, the pain is overwhelming sometimes and you feel you are still back there, not here. And you want to leave the past behind and move forward. Are you a natural care taker for others but have a hard time caring for your own needs? An...
Our identity and values change as we go through life experiences and stages, being a product of these experiences as well as a process to strive for a more satisfied and fulfilled future self. While change is a constant in life, they can bring us stress, anxiety, confusion as well as compassion to self and others and deeper understandings of our meanings in life. I'd like to work with you to...
We are never meant to face the challenges of life alone. When facing these overwhelming tidal waves of life, we often times feel sad, painful, and wanting to isolate ourselves. The way we think and our behavior changes and prevents us from becoming the most authentic version of self. I see therapy as a guided journey where the therapist and the client process the client's subjective experience...
Life can be difficult sometimes. For some of us, life has always been difficult. But you do not have to go through it alone. Whether you’ve struggled with challenges all your life or new obstacles recently surfaced that stymie your growth and well-being, I am here to help. I help individuals, couples and families overcome life’s difficulties. I tap into your own resources to help you grow in th...
( English | 中文 ) Courage is the foundation to every client's work. Whether you are making a life decision, addressing your or helping your family member/ love ones' with their psychological struggles, or striving to become who you are and do what truly matters to you... Often times, courage may be disguised as anxiety, fear or painful indecisiveness. Reach a better understanding, through test...