We want to help you connect with a therapist who speaks Japanese. We know finding a therapist you connect with isn’t an easy task. We know this is even more difficult when language barriers are present. Use our therapist directory to locate a therapist near you that speaks Japanese. Bilingual counselors exist and we want to help you find one that speaks your native language.
Are you tormented by negative thoughts (“I am never good enough”)? Do you play “what if… tapes” over and over again in your head? Do you feel anxious, pressured, and depressed, emotions that keep you from having a meaningful and successful life? Would you like to feel more content and satisfied? I can help. I am a licensed clinical psychologist and a certified TEAM CBT (Cognitive Behavioral...
As an anxiety and OCD specialist, I received my degree in clinical mental health counseling from Vanderbilt University and have spent years accumulating evidence based training to treat various disorders including: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Depression, "Pure Obsessional" OCD, Trichotillomania, Excoriation Disorder and other anxiety based conditions. I work to help clients achieve their goal...
We work with children, youth, couples, groups and families on issues of trauma, change, loss, resilience and well-being. We offer an 8 session pack for $750 or 4 session pack for $400. We hike, walk, snowshoe, bike, climb, camp, ski, engage in experiential activities and enjoy the outdoors with clients as we work clinically on important life issues. We also have an office based in Denver for th...
Hello! Thank you so much for stopping by my page. I am so happy you are here. I know how hard it can be to ask for help. Grief, trauma, anxiety, depression, and difficult relationships are all stressors that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and lost. It takes courage to seek support and even more to be kind to ourselves. I am trained in and utilize a variety of both evidenced based and theoreti...
Do you want your life to more closely resemble the life you want? Do you want to figure out what makes you tick as a person and how to overcome persistent obstacles? Do you want to keep anxious and/or sad thoughts and reactions from controlling the quality of your relationships and life in general? As a postmodern therapist, I help people realize their most profound goals by uncovering a path...
Hello, thank you for stopping by my page. Making the decision to begin therapy is not easy. But it can also be a powerful experience, a healing experience and an opportunity for personal growth. You might have been experiencing anxiety or depression for a long time, or you may be dealing with a difficult life event, such as family, relationships, or school. I will support you in developing...
Wander translates to the Latin term, Vagus- the largest and most complex network of nerves in our body that make up our socially and emotionally connected, neurobiological experiences. Our bodies can manifest dis-eases in ranging degrees of severity, after a prolonged period in stressful circumstances. Through a relational/attachment, neurobiological and systemic look at your world inside and o...
*Immediate openings (both in-person & via Telehealth) available after January 25th 2021** My ideal client is someone who is seeking a calm and comfortable atmosphere where they can fully express themselves. Part of the process is working together to identify their individual issues and expand upon them as needed. Clients can expect a confidential and safe space where they can be heard, treated...
Are you feeling stressed out, overwhelmed, lonely, or depressed? Just wanting some guidance on how to navigate life's difficult challenges. Inner Peace Therapeutic Services prides ourselves on creating a safe, confidential, nurturing environment with highly skilled, experienced clinicians who can assist you in your journey for self-growth to achieve the life that you desire. We have several...
Welcome. Life can become overwhelming sometimes (understatement!), so together lets figure out what you may need to do, find some peace, improve relationships, heal from loss or trauma, and rediscover a strong 'you'. I help my clients find solutions to hard situations, identify goals (dreams), and together we create a plan to get you there. I work with adults and teens. I am well experienced in...
Sometimes it is difficult to make sense of thoughts and feelings, especially in a world where many of us are told not to listen to what is happening inside. Sometimes it difficult to negotiate the incessant demands of everyday life and to find a time and place to think things through, to listen to ourselves and to pay attention to what is actually going on. Sometimes it is difficult to discover...
( English | 日本語 ) Hello. Thank you for visiting my page. I believe that you have the potential to heal and grow regardless of your age, gender, social status, experience, and depth of pain. My goal is to help you acknowledge and trust your own strengths to overcome any struggles. When individuals come to therapy, they may feel out of balance with difficult feelings, perceptions, behaviors, a...
We all have hardship and emotional distress. In such times, it can be difficult to go through it alone. Facing these challenges with someone who guides and supports in a thoughtful way, can help to find deeper understanding. Psychotherapy is a collaborative process. Once a safe environment is provided, people find strength to realize their possibilities and discover their own solutions. One of ...
Hello and Welcome! Thank you very much for visiting my page. I am Shiori Lange, a bilingual (Japanese/English) Licensed Clinical Social Worker (#81730) based in Long Beach, CA. I specialize in helping older adults and their families with caregiver/dementia issues, stress management and overall end of life issues. I have a deep admiration for those who seek to heal and create a meaningful life. ...
Sometimes you need a different kind of career counseling! The traditional way of mapping your career can often leave quirky or global-minded people feeling out of sync and lost. If you are struggling with feeling out of place because you march to a different beat, if people underestimate you because you present yourself a little differently, if people make snap judgments about you because of yo...