Selecting a Name for Your Therapy Practice

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What’s in a name? Pretty much everything. Choosing the right name for your therapy practice can impact how clients perceive your services and the overall branding of your practice. It’s a decision you make once and live with long-term.

In this post, we dig deep into what factors make good (and bad) therapy practice names so you can name yours effectively.

Why a Good Name is Important

A good name is the foundation of your therapy practice’s branding and recognition. It sets you apart from competitors, communicates your purpose and values, and conveys professionalism and trustworthiness.

Your name helps potential clients remember and recognize your practice and supports your marketing efforts and word-of-mouth referrals. It plays a crucial role in shaping the perception of your practice. It can attract clients who resonate with your services, ultimately contributing to the success and growth of your therapy practice.

In other words, a good name is vital for many reasons, including those outlined below.

Branding and Recognition

A well-chosen name can become an integral part of your practice’s branding. It helps create a distinct identity and makes your practice more recognizable for potential clients. A powerful brand name can bring positive emotions and associations to mind, making your practice more memorable and increasing the chances of clients choosing your services over your competitors.


A unique and well-crafted name sets your therapy practice apart from others. It helps differentiate you from the competition and highlights your specific qualities and services. A name that conveys your specialization or unique approach to therapy can attract clients seeking those particular services, making it easier for them to find you and understand what makes your practice unique.

Communication of Purpose

The name of your practice can also work to communicate its purpose. For example, a name that emphasizes holistic healing or a particular therapeutic approach can help clients understand your focus and align their needs with your expertise.

Legal Constraints

Selecting a name for your therapy practice is more than just brainstorming something you like and that fits. When choosing a name, you must know the legal constraints to consider.

Corporate Entity Requirements

You must file the business name with the state if you plan to establish your therapy practice as a formal business entity. Your state may impose specific naming requirements or restrictions based on the type of business and the business entity selected (LLC, PLLC, C Corporation, etc.). These requirements can vary, but they typically involve avoiding misleading or deceptive names and ensuring compliance with registration and filing procedures for the chosen business structure.

Trademark Infringements

Avoid infringing on existing trademarks when choosing a name for your therapy practice. You should thoroughly search to ensure that the name you want to use is not too like or the same as an existing trademarked name. Trademark infringement can lead to legal disputes and potential financial penalties, so choosing a distinct name that’s not likely to cause confusion with existing trademarks is essential.

Keep in mind when registering your business with the state protects your business name in that state only. If you want to protect your business name nationally, you need to trademark it.

Trademarks can be tricky, so consider hiring a law firm, which typically charges around $500 to perform a comprehensive trademark search. Alternatively, you can perform a basic search for free on the USPTO website. These steps will help you identify any existing trademarks that may conflict with your chosen name and allow you to make an informed decision while minimizing the risk of trademark infringement.

Examples of Good and Bad Practice Names

The suitability of a name depends on various factors, including your target audience, the local context, and your specific branding goals. But some factors make certain practice names inherently better than others. You should consider them when choosing a name for your own practice.

Good Names for a Therapy Practice

Determining what makes a good name for a therapy practice requires a lot of thought. It’s not always a straightforward process and can involve a mix of creativity, strategic thinking, and understanding your practice’s values and target audience. It’s not a one-size-fits-all situation.

Characteristics that good practice names have in common include:

  • Unique – A good name stands out from competitors and is memorable to potential clients. It should be distinct and not easily confused with other therapy practices or businesses.
  • Easy to Pronounce – The name you choose should be easy to pronounce and spell, making it easy to remember. It shouldn’t be overly complicated or confusing, as this can create barriers for potential clients in finding or referring people to the practice. Having an easy-to-pronounce name means people are less likely to forget it, and being able to spell it is essential for them to be able to do anything from searching for you online to writing you a check.
  • Suggest a Service Category – A sound therapy practice name clearly communicates the nature of the services offered. It should give potential clients an immediate understanding of the practice’s focus or specialty. It lets people know from the start that they’re in the right place for their needs.

Some good therapy practice names include:

  • Empowerment Wellness Center
  • Best Life Therapy
  • Relationship Renewal Therapy
  • Hope for Healing
  • Holistic Wellness Therapy Group
  • Simply Healing
  • Integrated Counseling Centers
  • Abundant Well-Being
  • Healing Connections Therapy
  • Improved Well-Being Therapy

Bad Names for a Therapy Practice

It’s not easy to know a bad name instinctively. Whether a name is “bad” can be subjective and may not always be intuitive. But there are certain characteristics or considerations that can help identify names that may not be ideal for a therapy practice.

Characteristics of bad therapy practice names have in common include:

  • Use Generic Terms – Failing to distinguish your practice from others and not indicating your specialization or unique qualities can be detrimental to your practice. Avoid generic terms where possible. For example, a practice called “Wellness Services” or “Healing Haven” could suggest various things, from a gym service to an aesthetics clinic.
  • Unprofessional – Choosing a name that is unprofessional or lacks seriousness can potentially undermine your practice’s credibility and may deter potential clients from seeking services. Mental healthcare is serious and should not be taken lightly. Many people seeking mental health services are vulnerable and may have had their concerns dismissed or not connected with the right therapist for them in the past. Keeping things professional is crucial to making potential clients feel heard and comfortable with you.
  • Unclear Pronunciation – A challenging-to-pronounce practice name can confuse and make it more difficult for potential clients to find or refer others to your practice. This issue can hinder the growth and recognition of the practice. Also, people who don’t know how to pronounce your practice name may feel uncomfortable working with you. Ambiguity around saying a practice name can be off-putting to some people.
  • Mixed Meanings – While you can’t ensure that the words in your practice name never become a slang term, you can make sure you don’t accidentally use existing slang. Carry out a thorough search to ensure there aren’t any unfortunate associations with any of the names you seriously consider. Running it by a few trusted others also is a good idea.
  • Trendy Names – Using a fashionable word in your practice name may seem like a good idea at the time — it’s topical, right? Unfortunately, it likely won’t age well. Trends change rapidly, and you don’t want your practice to seem dated before you’re even established.

Bad therapy practice names include things like:

  • Go Physio
  • Happy People
  • Get Fit
  • Hurt2Healed
  • Bliss Healing
  • Bitter Pills Therapy
  • Cozy Counseling
  • Unhinged Healing
  • Serenity Spa
  • Better Now

Mistakes to Avoid

There are some common missteps that you should steer clear of when naming your therapy practice. By being aware of these mistakes, you can navigate the naming process more effectively.

Don’t Be Vague

Choose a name that clearly communicates the nature of your therapy practice. You want to make sure people know exactly what services you offer. While flowery names may sound pretty, they can be confusing. Avoid overly generic or vague names that fail to convey your services. A vague name may confuse potential clients or make it difficult for them to understand your specialization. It may even be best to put the words therapy or counseling in the name to avoid any chance of confusion.

Don’t Name Practice After Yourself

While using your name as the name for your therapy practice may seem personal and appealing, it can limit future growth and create difficulties if you decide to expand or bring in other therapists. Your name also may be difficult to spell or pronounce or have a double meaning.

Using your name may make it challenging to develop into a larger practice or create a sense of collective identity. Clients may associate the practice solely with you, making establishing trust and rapport with other therapists who may join your team more difficult.

While incorporating your name into the practice’s branding is not inherently wrong, weighing the long-term implications and considering its potential challenges is essential. A more strategic and inclusive approach to naming your therapy practice can ensure its scalability and adaptability and can help with overall success as it evolves over time.

Don’t Choose a Complex Name

Opt for a simple, easy-to-pronounce, and easy-to-remember name. A complex or convoluted name may confuse potential clients and make it challenging for them to recall or refer your practice to others. You should keep it concise and straightforward, focusing on clarity and memorability.

Additionally, choosing a complex name may give the impression of being overly complicated or pretentious. It can create a barrier between potential clients and your practice, making it seem less approachable and alienating people. Opting for a simple name that is easy to understand and pronounce helps convey professionalism while maintaining a welcoming and accessible image.

You also want to be wary of including homonyms in your practice name. These words are spelled differently but sound the same, like two/too/to or for/four. These can make it more difficult for people to find you online. The same goes for commonly misspelled words.

Don’t Name Your Practice After a Specific Location

Naming your therapy practice after a specific location may seem logical initially, as it can help establish a connection with the community you serve. But it’s important to consider the long-term implications and potential limitations it may impose.

By naming your practice after a specific location, you tie your brand identity closely to that area. This approach can limit your practice’s appeal and relevance if you relocate, expand to serve clients beyond that original location or provide telehealth. Clients outside the area in your practice name may think that your practice is geographically restricted and may be less likely to seek your services.

What happens if you ever want to move away from your original location? If you move your practice to somewhere else, your location-specific name may become obsolete or misleading. Rebranding after establishing a client base can be costly and time-consuming, potentially impacting your practice’s continuity and client trust.

Don’t Be Too Inspired by Others

While drawing inspiration from existing companies or practices is understandable, it’s crucial to strike a balance and avoid borrowing too much from another company when naming your therapy practice.

Intentionally using a name that closely resembles or infringes upon an existing company’s name can lead to legal issues, such as trademark infringement. This choice can result in legal disputes, financial penalties, and damage to your practice’s reputation.

Naming your therapy practice in a way that resembles another established company can also cause confusion among potential clients and people who want to refer others to your practice. This confusion can impact your practice’s ability to grow.

Before You Finalize Your Practice Name

You’ll probably feel excited once you land on a name you love, but there are a few things to do before you finalize your decision. These things will help you establish a strong foundation for your practice’s branding and set you up for success in the long run.

Consider Longevity

First, think about the long-term implications of the name you chose. Will it still be relevant and appropriate as your therapy practice evolves or expands? Avoid names that may restrict your practice’s growth or limit your services. Choosing a name that can withstand the test of time and adapt to potential future changes is essential.

Check With the State for Availability

Before you get too attached to the name, check with your state to make sure it’s available for you to use. Each state has specific regulations and requirements for business names, especially when forming a professional practice.

Your state will have a database of all of the existing registered business names. To avoid potential confusion and legal issues, you should check this register to ensure your chosen name isn’t already registered by another business or professional practice in your state.

If you want to run your practice as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC), you’ll need to check the rules and regulations in your state. Some states also require specific professional qualifications and licensing for different company types, so it’s essential to understand these requirements.

Learn more about formally starting your private practice.

Check Domain Availability

In today’s digital age, an online presence is essential for any business. Check if the domain name associated with your chosen name is available. Ideally, you want a domain name that matches or closely resembles your therapy practice’s name to make it easier for clients to find you online and establish a consistent brand presence. Check all of the domain endings relevant to you. You want the .com ending of a website, as that is the one most people are likely to think of.

You should also check if similar domains are already registered and see what kind of businesses they are. Google the name to see what you find. Potential clients may become confused and go to the wrong website if there are multiple similar website addresses or businesses with like names. It’s less likely to be an issue if the other websites offer completely different services, but it’s still worth considering if the name is worth the potential confusion.

Validate Idea with Friends and Family

Getting feedback from friends and family is usually a good idea. Choosing a name is close to you, so much so that you may have overlooked something small. Discussing your name choices with friends and family means you can hear other people’s opinions before you commit. Their insights can provide valuable perspectives and help you make an informed decision.

Where to Go for Expert Assistance

Choosing a practice name can be overwhelming. Where do you start? You can choose almost anything. You know what makes a good name and what mistakes to avoid, but you may be drawing a blank. Naming something so important is daunting, and there’s no shame in asking for outside help.

Get help with naming your therapy practice through:

  • Branding or Marketing Agencies – Working with a branding or marketing agency can be beneficial as they have the experience you may not have. They can help you to create an entire brand identity, including selecting a name that aligns with your practice’s values and target audience. These agencies can offer valuable insights and expertise in branding strategies to ensure your therapy practice stands out.
  • Trademark Attorneys – Consulting with a trademark attorney is smart if you are concerned about potential trademark conflicts or legal issues. They specialize in intellectual property law and can conduct thorough searches to ensure your chosen name doesn’t infringe upon existing trademarks. They can also guide you through the trademark registration process and provide legal advice to safeguard your practice’s name.
  • Online Naming Tools and Resources – Online naming tools can help you by generating name ideas for you. These tools can be helpful for brainstorming. There’s nothing worse than sitting and staring at a blank page. Even if the suggestions they generate aren’t suitable for your practice, they may still spark your creativity.

Next Stop: Clients!

Now you have your practice name, you need clients. All Counseling is a platform where you can set up a profile and help bolster your online presence.

By joining All Counseling, you position yourself in front of a wide audience actively searching for therapists, enabling clients to find you if you meet their needs. By claiming your profile today, you can reap the benefits of appearing in searches on our directory and gaining exposure to potential clients actively seeking therapy services.

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