Shirley Shani Ben Zvi is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Have you lost a part of yourself lately? Do you feel like you don’t recognize yourself anymore? Helping people find themselves again in unfamiliar circumstance, is what I am most passionate about. I know that when times are hard, optimism seems far fetched, like someone talking about rainbows and sunshine, while a tornado is tearing down your home. However, to me, optimism means believing that even if things are not okay, we can be. By that definition, I consider myself an incurable optimist. Together, we will find your resilience, while also holding space for you pain and struggle. Together, we can find YOU. Seeking professional help is an act of resilience and strength. It is putting yourself in one of the most challenging places for human beings to be in – a place of vulnerability. I see my clients as superheroes, no less. It is remarkable to me that you are willing to reach out and redefine the best version of yourself. Working together, we will be looking to reach your best hope