White's Group/Ind Counseling & Evaluation is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
I have been working in Drug & Alcohol Counseling for over 30 years, I started in the Military and continued to work in counseling after I retired. In addition to conducting individual and group counseling, I am a Certified to teach the Georgia DUI/Substance Abuse Classes. This is a mandatory class that is required for anyone who is charged with a DUI or have been involved in a alcohol or other substance abuse related incident. My ideal client is anyone with a dual diagnoses. I specialize in conducting intervention that will assist the client in seeking help for Substance Abuse. I specialize in individual and group counseling. However, I feel that because of my training with dual diagnoses, this specialty is most gratifying because I am helping individuals understand their overall reaction to their surroundings with or without alcohol and drugs The educational factors that relate to understanding the “Drinking/Drug Culture and using the Motivational Interviewing Techniques, to help indi
Contact Details
Practice Address:
Atlanta, Georgia 30316