Wendy Haas is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
How are various choices, self-beliefs, coping styles, and relationships combined with any mental health challenges in your life impacting you? Are they moving you toward your personal values and goals? Can you readily identify what those even are? I believe that self-exploration combined with implementing specific goals, boundaries and structures in your life allows for both understanding and forward movement. Thus, my approach draws from behavioral change approaches of CBT and DBT modalities as well as acceptance, reflection, and high regard of person-centered and Adlerian therapies. My experience includes mood and anxiety, binge eating, and substance use work at higher levels of care, certification in yoga-informed therapy, and developing individualized exposures and skills work. Additionally, my background in the arts give me an understanding of how the life, goals and identity of an artist may be different than those of a non-artist. I invite you to reach out by phone or email so we can discuss what your therapeutic goals might be, and you can ask questions about me and my approach, before we schedule an in person intake session.
Contact Details
Practice Address:
Chicago, Illinois 60642